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September 23, 2018

some of my fav house plants

Many of you ask about my plants styled around our home — here are some of my favorites. 🙂


If you want an easy houseplant – the Pothos is your answer.  It actually does not do well in direct sunlight.  They can tolerate very low light and need water only once a week.  They are toxic to dogs, cats and children if ingested but is not lethal.  They are good hanging plants, so mine are not tempting to our dog or kids.

pothos plant
pothos plant
pothos plant
pothos plant

cactus and succulents

It’s no secret that these kinds of plants love the sun and dry weather.  They DO need water, however.   The good news is they do not require daily or even weekly watering, so you can vacation and not worry about these guys.

cactus & succulents
cactus & succulents
cactus & succulents
cactus & succulents

the olive tree

The olive tree is just gorgeous.  It’s subtle color and gentle beauty makes me so happy.  We have fruitless olive trees planted outside and around our house and I used one inside for awhile to style our bathroom remodel (although they can be tricky to keep happy inside- they need lots of natural light).  I also LOVE to clip my olive trees and style my vases inside with the clippings.

olive tree
olive tree
olive tree
olive tree


the umbrella tree (or schefflera)

The umbrella tree is easy to take care of, grows tall and fairly skinny and adds beautiful height and texture to a room.  It needs sunlight and watering about once a week.   Over-watering is more of a problem than forgetting to water it.  Every time I post our living room, many of you ask what the big tree is.  This is it!

schefflera tree
schefflera tree
schefflera tree
schefflera tree

the snake plant

The snake plant, aka mother-in-law’s tongue, is tall,  beautiful, simple and THE EASIEST PLANT.  I’ve had mine for almost a year and I think I’ve watered it twice.  Amazing! It’s perfect for a pot to style an accent table.

snake plant
snake plant (on the table)
snake plant
snake plant (in the floor basket)

Good luck adding house plants to your home!

